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2019 Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) Report for Schroon Lake Just Posted
Posted: 6/5/2020
The Schroon Lake 2019 CSLAP Report has been posted on our website. You can find the full report (in two parts) on our Lake Reports page. Below you will find some Q&A summarizing the condition of our lake but its definitely worth reading the full report when you have time.
Q. What is the condition of the lake?
A. Schroon Lake - South continues to be mesoligotrophic, or moderately unproductive, based on moderate water clarity, low algae levels (chlorophyll a), and low nutrient (phosphorus) levels. Soluble nutrients were analyzed again 2019. Most of the nitrogen in the lake is soluble, indicating a potential for more algae growth. The lake has near neutral pH, soft water, moderately low water color, and low nitrogen levels.
Q. How did 2019 compare to previous years?
A. pH readings were lower than normal in 2019. Calcium readings were lower than normal in 2019. Each of the other water quality indicators was close to normal in 2019.
Q. How does this lake compare to other nearby lakes?
A. Compared to other nearby lakes, Schroon Lake - South usually has higher water clarity, pH, conductivity, and lower chlorophyll a levels, calcium levels, and chloride levels. Schroon Lake - South usually has more favorable water quality assessments, similar recreational assessments, and similar aquatic plant coverage.
Q. Are there any (statistically significant) trends?
A. Since 1987, surface water temperatures and bottom water temperatures have increased slightly, calcium levels have decreased slightly, and recreational survey assessments have improved slightly.
Q. Has the lake experienced harmful algal blooms (HABs)?
A. Water quality conditions generally indicate a low susceptibility to blooms, with periodic blooms along the shoreline or in the open water. The open water algal community in the lake is usually comprised of intermediate cyanobacteria levels. Typically, open water algae levels are low. Overall open water toxin levels are consistently below recreational levels of concern.
In 2019, overall algae levels were intermediate, with green algae the most common taxa in open water samples, and with intermediate cyanobacteria levels. Open water toxin levels were not analyzed due to low probability of detection based on low chlorophyll values. Shoreline blooms in 2019 were not reported or not sampled.
Q. Have any aquatic invasive species (AIS) been reported?
A. There is at least one invasive plants reported or present at Schroon Lake. Invasive species reported in the lake include Eurasian watermilfoil and Curly leafed pondweed. Rudd has been reported in Schroon Lake. Schroon Lake has high vulnerability for new invasives, based on calcium levels.
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