News Blog
Posted: 1/28/2018
As part of its continuing lake management program, the SLA has contracted with Bob Bombard and Nick Rowell to conduct surveys on the lake looking for invasive plans like eurasian millfoil and curly leaf pondweed. If they are spotted they are reported to the entity which is harvesting these invasive plants.
So far the findings of invasives have been limited and greatly reduced- except around The Lodges and the Schroon Lake Marina. Reconnaissance and harvesting efforts continue the rest of this Summer. If you see these efforts while boating, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE DIVERS. Boat traffic near divers is dangerous and can also stir up the bottom making it hard to see invasives. If you see bottles floating please also stay away from them. They are marking invasives for harvesting.
This is the fourth year that APIPP has an AIS Response Team out in the field. We’ve contracted with Dan Kelting at Paul Smith’s College – Adirondack Watershed Institute. This year, they are focusing on doing early detection surveys for aquatic invasive species on the lakes in the southeastern part of the APIPP PRISM, with the highest priority being lakes with public access and/or campgrounds. The team will be surveying Schroon Lake this coming Summer 2018. The team (four people) will be doing is a meander survey by canoe along the lake shallows looking for aquatic plants (both native and invasive) using rake tosses, visual survey, and snorkeling. If they find an aquatic invasive plant bed, they will be mapping the border and estimating the size and density of the population. They will also be doing surveying for spiny waterflea and keeping an eye out for Asian clams and other invasive mollusks. When finished, the team creates a very nice report from their survey that maps out beds of any aquatic invasive plants they find, as well as, a list and density estimates for the native species (you can find an example here
July 1st EWM Report
Schroon Lake Beach- We surveyed from the boat launch to the end of the beach. This area had a sandy bottom with limited plant growth that consisted of mostly low growing plants and no EWM plants located. Visibility was poor in this area due to recent storms.
North of Steep Bay- This area had prolific plant growth in areas around 7ft in depth. We observed numerous native milfoils throughout the area and no EWM was located. We plan on continuing north in our survey this coming weekend.
July 1st EWM Report
Schroon Lake Beach- We surveyed from the boat launch to the end of the beach. This area had a sandy bottom with limited plant growth that consisted of mostly low growing plants and no EWM plants located. Visibility was poor in this area due to recent storms.
North of Steep Bay- This area had prolific plant growth in areas around 7ft in depth. We observed numerous native milfoils throughout the area and no EWM was located. We plan on continuing north in our survey this coming weekend.
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