News Blog


Posted: 12/15/2019

Dear SLA Members and Friends:

We find ourselves at that time of the year for family and friends and at least quiet joy. Many of the world’s religions have scheduled major Holidays at this time of year as we enjoy and/or suffer through these next two weeks. Our beautiful watershed nestled in snowy mountains creates incredible surroundings for joyous celebration regardless of our faith. We are truly blessed to live here.

I want you to know that the SLA and its partners are laying the ground work for an incredible 2020 for our Watershed. The three lake associations, SLA, ESSLA and PLA, the watershed Steering Committee, the Towns of Schroon, Horicon and Chester, Essex and Warren Soil and Water, the ALA and APIPP are all working together to protect and improve our Watershed.  With a new DEC grant and your continued generous support we look forward to a successful 2020.

We wish you happy and peaceful holidays full of fun and friends and family and an opportunity to love and enjoy our Watershed all 361 days of 2020.

Mark S. Granger,SLA President,

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