News Blog
SLA loses one of its Strongest Supporters
Posted: 11/17/2020
We are very sad to report that our dear friend Merritt Hulst passed away on November 16, 2020, after years of battling cancer. We will miss him terribly, but he is at last at peace.
Merritt was an extraordinary person - wise, witty and fun loving. He had tenacious strength, especially when it came to protecting our Adirondacks. He would always ask the tough questions and yet be gentle in his criticism. He would sometimes be very quiet and then comment getting right to the nub of the issue. As a Quaker Minister, he was always capable of seeing all points of view.
Merritt and Analise Hulst have been huge supporters of the SLA and true protectors of our environment. They donated a piece of their land for use by the Town to operate the Boat Decon Station. Merritt was always the first to volunteer for anything educational. He was truly the conscience of the SLA. He asked the tough questions. When I think of him, I picture the man standing to speak in the Norman Rockwell painting of the Town Meeting - standing quietly, but getting the full attention of those around him.
He was also part of the most successful raffle ticket selling team for the SLA. While Merritt would bedazzle folks with stories and facts about our watershed, and Ralph Ocker would sell the raffle tickets for a Hornbeck boat benefitting the SLA.
The world is a better place and we are better people because of Merritt Hulst. God bless him and move him to a much better world with clear skies, clean water and green forests.
Arrangements are not set up yet and will be affected by Covid-19.
Mark Granger
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