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SLA request for renewal of Cloudsplitter Grant
Posted: 6/27/2020
With the harvesting of milfoil underway currently, and with the State and local funding difficulties we find ourselves faced with, SLA President Mark Granger has sent a letter to Cloudsplitter Foundation. The letter below requests a renewal of the grant which was of very significant help with the costs involved in bottom-mapping last year. This activity is your generous membership fees and donations at work, which only account for a very small percentage of the cost of maintaining our beautiful lake's condition.
Cloudsplitter Grant Request Letter
June 26, 2020
Cloudsplitter Foundation
Via email and
Re: Renewal of March 26, 2020 Grant Application by the Schroon Lake Association
Dear Folks:
I am writing you as a joint survivor of the past and present difficult times created by Covid-19. The Towns in the Schroon-Paradox Watershed and the SLA are facing many of the difficulties that you are facing and will continue to face. We are grateful that you have given us the chance to resubmit our March 2020 grant request, which Chenelle has confirmed is on file with you.
We are thankful to you for past donations and applaud what you have done so far this year to support our local communities. But we really need your help with this bottom mapping project now.
The project we have submitted is a continuation of a project we submitted and received a grant for last year. This is a critical project to map the lake bottom and depth and to keep track of increased sedimentation which threatens to choke up our lake and to destroy our now plentiful but decreasing fishery. The information obtained will be the basis of future projects to reduce sand sedimentation from the north and to control climate change damage, evidenced by an increasing number of 100 year storms which are causing huge amounts of sand to enter Schroon Lake. It also helps us spot invasive species and remove them from our watershed.
While this project does not seem as urgent as feeding school children now, it will help feed school children in 5 years. The entire Schroon economy depends on tourism. A sand choked lake with no game fish would be an economic disaster for Schroon and its surroundings. The continuation of this project, with your help, will help ensure a viable local tourist economy in the future. The fishing and recreational economy will keep Schroon afloat and help feed its children. Without a beautiful, bountiful and clean lake, it will wither and die.
Right now we have already spent over $40,000 awarded by the State through a three year grant, signed last year, that will reimburse work controlling milfoil and operating decon and boat launch stations throughout the Watershed. The grant requires us to spend the money and then get reimbursed for three years. Last year we spent that money, submitted our documentation, and are awaiting payment. There is substantial doubt as to whether the State will honor its commitments. If they do not pay us, we will be back to you for additional help.
We ask that you continue your continued support in helping preserve the future of our local economy and the Schroon Paradox Watershed.
Thank you very much for your continued support and partnership.
Very truly yours,
Mark S. Granger,
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