News Blog

Summer is coming and preparation is underway!

Posted: 5/13/2020

Now that we have finally seen the last of the snow showers here in Schroon (hopefully!), we continue to work hard to be ready for visitors to the lake.  With the NY Forward Phase I reopening to begin on Friday, May 15, we will be ready for boaters.  This means that the boat wash stations are currently being set up for the season!  We will have them in place very shortly, with stewards at the ready.  Things will of course be different this year.  Social distancing will continue to take place at the stations and masks must continue to be worn.  This is vital to protect both the stewards and the boat owners.  

We also want to remind members who have not already done so, to submit their annual membership fees as soon as possible.  Due to the State financial difficulties, monies which the Association had access to in previous years may not be available in the near future.  We will need to continue to fund the important work of the Association.  A major source of our annual funding is our Crafts Fair in July.  As you will have seen, it has been cancelled for 2020.  Therefore it is important that our membership steps up where possible and contributes a little more so that we can continue the work to keep our lake as inviting as ever.   You can pay on line at the following link

We always welcome new members!  The Board wishes everyone good health and safety as we begin the reopening. 

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