Volunteer Opportunities

Help Us To Keep Schroon Lake Beautiful!

As a non-profit organization, SLA is dependent on volunteers to complete projects. Some of these volunteers are required to be SLA members, others are not. However, to stay informed on every level as these opportunities arise, and to receive our newsletters, we encourage you to become a Member now and be a part of our team!

Volunteers are needed in many areas. A few specific requests are listed on this page.

Volunteers Needed for the Arts & Crafts Fair Silent Auction July 26, 2025!

We are in need of your help with the Silent Auction Table each summer. Interested supporters should send an email to Chuck Harste, harste@verizon.net.

We always need:

Volunteers are also needed to man the Schroon Lake Association booth at the Fair where we distribute information about our activities, sell ducks, raffle tickets and other items to raise funds, and have membership information.

Volunteers Needed to Assist with Newsletter Production and Mailing

Volunteers are needed to write articles, assist with production and mailing of the Newsletter. If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please let us know!