55th Annual Arts & Crafts Fair

The Schroon Lake Association will be holding its 55th Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday, July 26, 2025 from 10:00am - 4:00pm. This extremely popular fair is held in the Town Park overlooking Schroon Lake.  All the profits that the SLA derives from the Fair go toward our continuing efforts to protect and maintain the health and welfare of the lake (e.g., hiring a certified lake manager as a consultant, funding scientific studies of the lake water, underwriting the fees involved in CSLAP and ensuring that there are sufficient funds for milfoil harvesting).

If you want to sign up as an Exhibitor the application form is available now here.  If you have any questions, please email Myriam Friedman at slacraftsfair@gmail.com.  

Note: The Town of Schroon has prohibited dogs from entering onto Town property during public events. We request that you not bring your dog to the Fair.

Silent Auction Table

The Schroon Lake Association's Silent Auction (run by Chuck Harste with the help of SLA member volunteers) will be held from 10:00 am - 3:45pm. You will find delightful gifts donated by vendors and area merchants on which to bid.  There will be all kinds of wonderful opportunities for a great buy. Of course all the funds from these efforts go to the support of projects to protect our beautiful lake.

The SLA also has a booth at the Fair with membership materials, newsletters, and information on invasives and brochures. So when you come to the Fair look for our booth!  It will be located at the entrance to the fair.  

Good Food Too!

The Schroon Lake Lions Club will again be selling delicious food and drinks. We will also have additional food vendors this year.


Click here for a map of the area.

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